Thursday, March 5, 2020

Understanding the Benefits that Come with Having a Full-Time Job

Understanding the Benefits that Come with Having a Full-Time Job via Medical insurance benefits Depending on the workplace, you might have different medical insurance benefits, as health insurance is a standard benefit that companies offer to  full-time employees. For example, you can have general health insurance, under a PPO or HMO plan. There are differences between HMO and PPO plans, so please do your research to find out what you are working with! You might also have the option to opt-in to dental and vision insurance. If you have a health condition that will require another type of insurance (such as physical therapy or allergies), you should ask your employer for those options. Some companies even offer insurance for mental health services. When you have a  full-time job, you will likely be awarded certain insurance benefits. Do your research on these benefits to find out what you are getting. Tuition reimbursement Additionally, tuition reimbursement might be a benefit offered by your workplace. If you are a student employee, there is a chance your workplace can subsidize or reimburse some or all of your tuition. This means that in addition to your salary, your employer could take on some of the financial burden of your studies. Of course, tuition reimbursement (or subsidizing) is a great benefit your employer could offer you if you are a student. I would encourage you to do research to find out if your workplace offers this benefit. Developing interpersonal skills When you have a full-time job, you will develop interpersonal skills. A  full-time job requires you to regularly interact with people. You will likely have to work as part of a team. You might have to train new employees or present a pitch to your boss. These are skills you will need to be a productive and healthy worker. Developing interpersonal skills is a great benefit of working a full-time job. Building up your resume with experience Another benefit that comes with a full-time job is the ability to build up your resume with the skills you have learned at your job. You will gain many skills and lots of experience with a full-time job. You can include the skills you acquire in your resume or your LinkedIn profile. For example, if you learned how to use a certain specialized computer program at your job, you can list it on your resume! Your full-time job will help you gain experience, which is extremely valuable in the job market. Investing in your retirement account If you are working a full-time job, chances are good you will be able to invest in a retirement account. Even if you are young, it’s not too early to think about retirement! Most workplaces offer a 401K plan, which allows you to dedicate a certain amount of your paycheck and invest it in order to have access to that money when it’s time to retire. It’s automatically deducted from your paycheck, so you won’t even notice it. In a few decades, you will be grateful to have invested all that money! Vacation or sick days Additionally, as a full-time employee, your company will give you a set number of vacation or sick days that you can take off. Part-time employees do not get these benefits. You might also be able to take paid or unpaid time off, depending on your company’s policies. The laws vary across different states, so be sure to do some research to learn what the policies on time off are in your state. Ability to develop and build up credit When you are a full-time employee, you will make enough money to be able to develop and build up credit. People often understate the importance of credit, because good credit is required for almost anything. You will need good credit to buy a car, apply for an apartment, or even enroll in a payment plane to pay off your phone. It may seem scary to get your first credit card, but if you use it correctly, it can help you build the good credit you need. In short, pay off your credit card balance in full every month. Don’t spend more money than you can pay off. And do not, under any circumstances, miss a credit card payment (if you can’t pay it off in full, at least pay off the minimum balance). If you do this consistently, you will build and develop good credit. These are just some of the benefits you will receive if you work as a full-time employee. Ask your employer or someone in HR to go over the full list of benefits you may be eligible for as an employee working full-time at your company!

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